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À propos

Vous cherchez à ajouter plus de passion et d'émotion à votre image ? Envie de créer une scène surnaturelle qui laissera vos spectateurs bouche bée ? Essayez ces 10 ciels impressionants de Javier Pardina au format JPEG. Allant du rouge rubis au jaune pâle en passant par le bleu tumultueux, les ciels de cette collection ajouteront certainement une touche colorée et artistique à votre chef-d'œuvre.


10 Ciels au format JPEG.


Luminar 4, Luminar AI, Luminar NEO, Photoshop

Obtenez des photos comme celles-ci

À l'aide des fichiers RAW fournis, vous pourrez facilement appliquer les conseils en matière de retouche et découvrir comment obtenir des photos comme celles-ci.

© Javier Pardina
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© Javier Pardina
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© Javier Pardina
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© Javier Pardina
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Javier Pardina

Photographer. Skylum Ambassador.

Based in Lleida, Catalonia, Javier Pardina is a photographer and multimedia artist whose commercial work sees him shooting for advertising agencies, stock platforms, corporate brands, and creative agencies. Javier focused his university studies on photography, video, and graphic/3D design. Since 2004, he hasn’t stopped improving and learning all these subjects. In 2005, he created, using his surname as the name of his brand. Javier’s creative work was initially related to music. You can find Javier’s work on albums by some of the most talented musicians in Europe, including Thomas Lemmer and Cristopher Goze.

Years later, Javier decided to specialize in abstract photography, which he used to develop wallpapers for apps and operating systems including Firefox OS and iOS. In 2013, Javier signed with Mozilla to work on the Firefox OS project. In 2015, Javier started working with Stocksy along with offset and Shutterstock Custom, and currently Javier is working on the KAIOS project. To date, Javier has contributed 10,000+ pictures across different stock agencies, and he is heavily focused in the advertising and commercial world, using and merging video, photography, and 3D art forms. He’s worked on multiple ad campaigns both within Spain and internationally. Improving every day and working with passion, is a synonym for work, dedication, and trust.

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